
Thailand is not only one of the world’s largest rice producers; it also remains the world’s largest rice exporter. Its rice exports surged from around 6.2 million t in 1995 to 8.9 million t in 2010 and grew at about 4% per year in 2005-10.

1. Thai hommali (jasmine) rice

Thai Hom Mali (Jasmine) Rice

1 – A Grade Hom Mali 105

Hom Mali 105 has been certified since 25 May 1959. It is the best rice quality in Thailand. Physically, the grains look slim and translucent white. They contain a natural fragrant aroma depending on its age, and after cooking, they retain a superb taste and nice aroma. Since there are low in amylose only 12%-18%, after cooking, the rice will have soft texture. Its official name is “Khao Dawk Mali 105” . “Khao” means white, which refers to white rice. “Dawk Mali” means Jasmine, which refers to its fragrance smells like Jasmine. 105 comes from improvement of rice variety.

Khao Dawk Mali 105 can be grown in 19 million rais (3,040,000 hectares) cultivated area in the northeastern of Thailand. Seeding around June – July, the harvest time yearly will be October – November. During the harvest season, the weather becomes drier, so it is easier for the farmers to harvest on that time. Khao Dawk Mali 105 can be harvested only one time yearly.

  • Rough rice size Length x Width x Thickness = 10.6 x 2.5 x 1.9 mm
  • Brown rice size Length x Width x Thickness = 7.5 x 2.1 x 1..8 mm

2 – Hom Mali RD15

Hom Mali RD15 is a mutant of Khao Dawk Mali 105 obtained by irradiation with gamma-ray. It has been certified since 28 April 1978. RD15 has higher yield than Khao Dawk Mali 105 but less fragrant than Khao Dawk Mali 105. The grains have amylose around 14% – 18% .

RD15 is cultivated in wet-season only and will be cultivated before Khao Dawk Mali 105  20 days. Yielding per rai is 560 kg/rai (3,500kg/hectare). RD15 withstands drought, alkaline soil and acid soil.  The cultivated areas are in the northeastern region of Thailand.

2.Hommali RD15

Thai Hom Patum Rice

Thai Hom Patum Rice RD31(Pathum Thani 80) has been certified since 6 March 2007. Harvesting period is 110 days. A short period after cooking, the rice has fragrance and soft texture. Since the grains have amylose around 27.3 – 29.8 % so, once the rice temperature becomes low, the texture becomes harder.

White Rice

Physically, the grain’s shape is long and rises well with cooking. Since the grains have amylose around 27 – 30 % so, once the rice temperature becomes low, the texture becomes harder. The cultivated area is in the center part of Thailand. The gradings of White Rice are as below

3.white rice
4.broken rice

Broken Rice

  • Thai Jasmine rice Broken Rice A.1
  • Thai Jasmine rice Broken Rice A.1 Super
  • White Broken Rice A.1
  • White Broken Rice A.1 Super


Parboiled rice is rice that has been partially boiled in the husk. The three basic steps of parboiling are soaking, steaming and drying.



1 – Thai White Glutinous Rice

Thai White glutinous rice is a type of rice grown mainly in Southeast and East Asia and the eastern parts of South Asia, which has opaque grains, very low amylose content, and is especially sticky when cooked. It is widely consumed across Asia. It is called glutinous in the sense of being glue-like or sticky, While often called “sticky rice”, it differs from non-glutinous strains of japonica rice which also become sticky to some degree when cooked.

Glutinous rice
Thai black glutinous rice

2 – Thai Black Glutinous Rice

Black glutinous rice (or Black sticky rice) is a nutty whole grain widely consumed in many of Southeast and East Asia and the eastern parts of South Asia .A naturally sweet, dark rice (dark purple more than black) that has both fiber and loads of antioxidants.

Thai Jasmine Red Cargo Rice

Jasmine Red Cargo Rice was developed from species 105 Jasmine rice. It’s contain loads of anthocyanin .Due to single polish, red color is appeared on the grain; high nutrients, vitamins and mineral are retained. Jasmine Red Cargo Rice contains vitamin E for antioxidant, vitamin B for nervous system, Iron for blood vessel and fiber for an excretion.


Thai Jasmine Black Cargo Rice

Thai Jasmine Black Cargo Rice is black color, comes with good taste and its unique fragrance. Only its husk has been removed to retain its nutrients, vitamins and mineral.Jasmine Black Cargo Rice contains vitamin B1, B2, B complex, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorous, Calcium and niacin, fiber.

Rice Packing

1 kg | 5kgs | 10kgs | 15kgs | 25kgs | 40kgs | 50kgs

20ft FCL Container = 25 – 27 tons depending on package’s sizing and carriers.

Delivery time: 2 -3 weeks from Port of Bangkok (Khlongtoey)  upon contract signing with down payment.

basmati rice pack
cargo rice 1
cargo rice 2